Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Strategy 7- Assessment (choice boards)

Choice board would typically be assigned at the end of a unit when they have had enough skills develop to successfully develop each assessment. Students are given a board with different choices  of assignments and they can pick the one they want to do.

This would be most appropriate at the end of unit, because like said above, students by then have gathered enough skills successfully complete each task. They will have a much higher chance to complete it with high success if they already have developed the skills necessary. This would be appropriate in any classroom because all our students are different. This should be used for assessment because it fits with different types of learning and abilities for students. If crafted carefully, this has the potential to fit everyone's needs. Some students that are more artistic can choose the activities that require something artistic and a student that prefers to write can construct something the has to do with word. An example of this is when I was taking AP English 11. We had to use 100 words that would most likely appear on the AP Exam. She gave use different options and I choose one outside of the choice board and she approved. I did a paper quilt using 100 of the words and in the back there was the definition and an example of the use of the word. Now that I look back, maybe it wasn't the easiest way to study these words but it sure let me use my creativity at that time.  I believe even though these may be harder to grade, they are a good way to see and get to know students. 

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