Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Strategy 2- Variety of reading (stuggling readers)

            I think this is one of the most important strategies for struggling readers and goes hand in hand with texts that we have to choose for the Top Ten Toolkit. Teachers should be using a variety of reading. Beers states that this is that "teachers who encourage a wide range of reading, who give their students plenty of opportunity for sustained, silent reading, who read aloud to their students on a regular basis, who provide ongoing opportunity for sustained silent reading, who read aloud to their students on a daily basis, who provide ongoing opportunities for students to discuss." This strategy can be used at all times when reading or assigning a different book. This strategy would be beneficial for many reasons. I have had Spanish classes here where we only read about slavery the whole semester. Not to say that I hate talking about slavery, but its also not a topic that I would like to talk about for the whole semester. I managed to hang in there, but many students tuned out and even dropped the course. I believe being able to use a variety of readings helps students become interested and makes them feel empowered as to what they want to read. Even if the teacher picks the book, they shouldn't always pick the same genre or length because this will just expose them to the same vocabulary and style. Being able to have a variety helps by also "developing a positive attitude towards reading. I think this also goes along with choosing 10 different types of readings for this class for our future students. This is already showing us that we shouldn't have the same type of books or style for everything and they need to include certain things.  

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