Thursday, October 8, 2015

Text 3- Libro de la vida (Book of Life) Movie (Ability, Culture)

     The Book of Life is the story starts off in a museum with a group of children that are then transported to the Land of the Remembered. It is here where Manolo goes through a journey in which he has to choose between his families expectations and going with what his heart dictates. Before he chooses what he does he goes through an adventure in three different unique worlds in which he had to encounter his biggest fears in life. This story also focuses on "El dia de los muertos" that is celebrated in Mexico and other cultural Latin customs and songs.
"The Book of Life." IMDb., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

This story was recommended by one of my professors. I think it is a great cultural reference. This talks about "El dia de los muertos" which is something often thought as being something funny to celebrate because you are essentially celebrating the dead. This gives students still the same cultural reference but lets them see it in a much more fun in creative way then just seeing a power point of reading about it in a book. I believe this also helps in ability because this is something more visual and not something to read so more needs of students can be met. This differentiated instruction could help students better understand the concept of el Dia de los Muertos in a much more fun way that is also a very 21st century way of teaching with the different effects of the movie. The movie would be shown with subtitles to for students that could be struggling with keeping up with the story line, especially for the lower levels.

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