Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Strategy 6- Diverse learners

As described in the Culturally Responsive Instruction, being able to reach out into the community and to families and bring back this cultural information would be greatly beneficial for students, especially diverse learners.

This should be done as much as possible because I believe this helps tremendously with diverse learners. We learn about other cultures and we don't ignore them as much because we know that maybe one of our students represent this culture. It is helpful to do this too because when teachers are able to build that connection with students, they feel more comfortable to raise their hand to ask a question or give their opinion of some sort. When a student identifies with the content, that gives them the power of knowledge, that then turns into motivation. It shows that you care enough to put in this extra effort to get to know families and communities. When I was in high school, every time they said something I would pay extra attention to, no matter if it was good or bad. I heard it the msot in my Spanish class. Mrs. Leiva would constantly talk about hispanics in a positive way, something that I wasn't used to hearing back then. Sometimes I would hear connotations in the hall such as "beaners" and "wetbacks" that hearing positive things from Mrs. Leiva about my culture made me feel good and made me want to come to class. She didn't go on to meet my mom but a couple times that year, but the fact that she knew Spanish like me also made me feel comfortable. So reaching out is not a waste of time, you are actually just making a diverse learner learn a little more. :)


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