Saturday, October 17, 2015

Strategy 3- Comprehension

One of the things that Kelly Mentioned with one of the keys to comprehensions is that struggling readers "lack the ability to quickly recognize sight words". This lack of rapid word recognition limits comprehension for struggling readers. A strategy for this type of comprehension would be teaching or reteaching common words.  As also described in class, this strategy can also be used by having functional chunks, password phrases, and language ladders. This could be done by places key words that are used on the daily basis or that will be used in the following unit.

I believe that having the possibility to see these key words up in the classroom will be beneficial for the students. It is said that by seeing a word over and over again you learn it. When I go to my internship there are common words that students should know by Spanish 2, but unfortunately not everyone does. I believe these words would be beneficial as a reference for students to have. These functional chunks or words what are most common will allow students to figure out that sentence that they are struggling with while doing classroom. I find that students give up because they believe they don't know what it means. After I help them break it down they then realize that its not as hard as they believed it was. I believe also having the list of vocabulary at hand would help. This is because they will be able to reference it and remember it. Although it should be removed as the unit progresses because they shouldn't be dependent of this either. I believe the whole list should be up at the beginning and as the unit progresses, start removing some words and mention it so they can keep track of it.

Kelly, Crystal, and Linda Campbell. "Helping Struggling Readers (Comprehension." Johns Hopkins School of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

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