Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Text 4- Froggy se viste (Ability, ELL)

   This is story in Spanish that narrates the story of a frog on a snowy day. He wakes up and it is snowing and he is very excited. He gets up and runs outside and starts playing in the snow. But he forgot to put on all his winter clothes. His mother yells from afar and asks him to come back inside and put on his clothes. Froggy goes inside and puts on some of the clothes but forgets very important outside weather clothes. His mother calls him again and he comes in and puts on more clothes. But his mother calls him one more time because he forgot his underwear! He comes back in again and then be becomes tired and decides to take a nap because he is really tired.

London, Jonathan. "Froggy Se Viste." Froggy Se Viste. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

    This is a really great book in different ways. This book focuses on the reflexive verbs in Spanish which is the unit that we are currently studying with in student teaching. This is a very simple book that has very good visuals to accompany the text with. These visual cues are very helpful to help students understand the story to a better degree. The book is for ability because it is book material that has many cues for struggling readers and even ELL. Because even if some words in Spanish don't make sense, the pictures help with figuring out what is going on. This book also serves to help students break in to groups and provide a student that is more proficient to be the dictionary person and the other person to read, and you are grouping by ability, but more of a helping role to the student.

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